A beginner’s guide to learning how to code
When you begin anything, it can become overwhelming, scary, and seem impossible.
When I began learning to code, the challenge was almost impossible. There were times when I quit because I thought I couldn’t do it, it was too difficult and it seemed like something only the smartest people could do.
I was challenged by my cousin, so I started doing FreeCodeCamp (a great interactive learning website) and watching videos. After that, I would always follow everything the tutorial did, which is not necessarily a bad thing, because it shows how the things you are learning actually work, but don’t stop there, step beyond the tutorial video or a step-by-step article.
Build something, no matter how small, to challenge yourself. If you solve a problem you understand more (I did this so that’s why that didn’t work, if I did that here then that would work) and then you don’t just do things, but you understand why they are done.
That’s what I learned over time, to ask questions, to understand why things are done the way they are, but most importantly, to build something.
To answer some of these questions, I’ve started a tech series.
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